How much do you know about Kansas City’s Hispanic Market?
By now you may have heard about our project All Things Latino in Kansas City, an informational booklet about, well, Latinos in Kansas City. At Puente Marketing we’re all about helping our clients engage with the Hispanic marketplace in a culturally relevant way. We also educate, and that was our sole intention in creating this booklet. Every day we educate both our current and prospective clients as to why it’s so important to tailor messages to this unique segment. Demographics, cultural nuances and language all have a great influence on how Latinos perceive messages in different ways.
We have found that, by no fault of their own, many people we work with on a daily basis are neither familiar nor knowledgeable about the Hispanic market, both locally and nationwide. In fact, we recently decided to test local Kansas Citians’ knowledge about Latinos right here in our area. On March 26, we were invited to participate in a small business celebration at the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce’s Candidate Showcase at Union Station. We created some trivia questions based on the content of our All Things Latino booklet for guests to answer as they visited our table. The results? Not great, to be honest. For the 25% who got their question correcto, or correct, they dropped their business cards in the ¡ÓRALE! box and were entered to win a gift card to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. As for the other 75% of participants who were equivocado, or wrong, their business cards were dropped in the ¡AYAYAY! box. But that’s exactly why we created this booklet: to educate and share knowledge about Latinos living right here in Kansas City.
If you are interested in learning more about the local and national Hispanic market, Puente Marketing & Advertising is your go-to source. It’s our expertise! To request a copy of All Things Latino in Kansas City, give us a call at 816-283-8300. We would love to talk to you about how reaching this flourishing market can help grow your business.