This was our 1st logo and tagline when we opened in 2003. Since Puente was founded, it’s been our mission to be a bridge to all those seeking to better understand the growing U.S. Hispanic market and the opportunities and rewards of engaging with this enormous segment of our society. We believe that to best engage with Hispanics, you need to be aware of three key pillars: Consumers. Employees. Community. Unfortunately, many companies’ first attempts in trying to connect with the Hispanic community have involved little more than translating their messages into Spanish and then expecting that a sale will follow. Most likely, this will not happen. Before the transaction, there has to be a relationship. It’s important to view the marketplace as a whole. Reaching out to the Hispanic consumers is just one facet of actual interaction. It’s vital that you have an understanding of the community and have bilingual employees to help foster the engagement. For 17 years, we have remained steadfast in the belief that success is achievable for those willing to work with the Hispanic community and be patient. When you visit with and come to know how Hispanics choose to align themselves with certain brands, how they value the quality of their work, and how they form bonds within and outside their community, the benefits of investing in a relationship, not just one-way communication, become clear.
I recently listened to an interview and read a post in AdWeek regarding their Diversity and Inclusion Summit titled: Hispanic Community Impact. It caught my attention because the key presenter, Claudia Edelman, repeated what we’ve always said. Her message to corporate America: “Work with us. This is a time to step up for us. We need you to protect us as employees, as consumers, and as a community.” Embracing those three pillars is an approach that I believe in and want to share with you. The Hispanic population in the United States now stands at 62 million, the overwhelming percentage of them American citizens. In just 30 years, it is projected to top 100 million. Ready to learn more about the Hispanic marketplace and how to engage? We’re always glad to help.