Welcome to Puente Marketing’s “got hispanic marketing?” for Catholic Schools.
This will discuss some information about the Hispanic market opportunity in Kansas. Then it will talk about some practical suggestions of working in the Hispanic market as a member of school leadership.
Hispanic Market Opportunity
The New American Reality
Copyright: Univision Communications 2015
“70 percent of all practicing Catholics under the age of 35 are Latino, yet only 3 percent of school-aged Latino children are enrolled in Catholic schools.”
– 2009 report To Nurture the Soul of a Nation, https://ace.nd.edu/sites/default/files/2021-09/MadrinasModel_compressed.pdf
52% of US population growth has come from the Hispanic community since 2000.
69% of Midwest Hispanics are Mexican, 7% Puerto Rican, 3% Salvadoran, 3% Guatemalan, 3% Ecuadorian, 15% other.
Hispanics are not a homogenous group.
The Kansas Hispanic population just keeps growing. From 1990 to 2028, the population will have grown almost 5X (1990: 93,670 to 2028: 464,747).
Five key counties in the KCK Archdiocese with large Hispanic populations are Wyandotte, Johnson, Shawnee, Lyon, and Leavenworth.
77% of Kansas Latinos are Mexican, 8% are Central American, 5% Puerto Rican, 10% other.
Language Preference and Culture:
12% Spanish dependent, 16% Spanish preferred, 10% English or Spanish, 26% English preferred, 36% English dependent.
Hispanics are not all homogenous.There is a difference between a third-generation Latino (Americanizado) and a recent adult immigrant (Latino-Americana). See the chart below from Claritas Data, 2023:
Target Audience Information
“First a word on culture: Culture is the particular way in which a human group interprets life and relates with nature, God, the world, and other peoples. Culture is not accidental, but an integral part of human life. Culture is lived and expressed through traditions, languages, relationships, food, music, and religious expressions. It embraces the totality of life of the group and the life of each individual who belongs to it; therefore, all human beings relate and respond to God and express this faith from and within their culture.”
USCCB, “Principles for Inculturation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church,” The Living Light, 31 (1994)
Culture Matters
- Culture is about more than language.
- Community is greater than the individual.
- Some Latinos live in dos mundos (two worlds).
- Who’s on your team?
- You need some people on your staff who are bilingual and bicultural.
- Where we come from affects our outlook.
- Work comes first. Then the rest.
- Hispanic households are typically multi-generational.
- Cultural practices are very important to Hispanics. They want to have a Latino identity in addition to their American identity.
- There’s family. And then there’s a Hispanic family!
- Hispanics speak Spanish, English, and/or Spanglish.
- Relationships and engagement are very important to Hispanics.
- Hispanics have their own social network. They talk. They love to talk.
- Welcome / Bienvenidos is music to their ears.
- Hispanics are not homogenous.
- Hispanics are nostalgic.
Who’s on your team? A bilingual and bicultural staff is very IMPORTANT.
From An Anglo’s Perspective
Looking at the Hispanic culture from someone with a non-Latino background, here are some things an Anglo might notice.
- Family gatherings are huge; they include the whole family.
- Our Lady of Guadalupe is very important. She is pictured on everything (leather wallet, t-shirt, on cars and trucks, in businesses, etc.)
- Quinceañeras are coming of age ceremonies for 15-year-old girls. They are very big celebrations that take months to prepare. The preparation is similar to preparing for a wedding.
- Many Hispanics have a Texas-like appearance: flannel shirts, belt buckles, jeans, cowboy boots, cowboy hats, etc.
- Hispanic church music is upbeat and joyful. See this link for an example.
- Hispanics make authentic food. Not just hard-shell Tex-Mex tacos.
Candles and shrines are everywhere. They are often elaborate and homemade with flowers, candles, and/or drapes. View Here. - Hispanics tend to like to wear clothing that prominently show a brand logo.
- Salsa goes with everything!
- Country music is a favorite.
Think about the 3 Rs: How are you reaching, recruiting, and retaining your Hispanic students?
got hispanic marketing?
For more information and to discuss your particular situation and opportunity:
Norberto Ayala-Flores