
Roeland Park – Price Chopper Hispanic Event

Puente Hispanic Consulting

Created and coordinated a 4-hour event for Price Chopper providing an opportunity for customers and their families to talk with each other and Price Chopper employees about the unique culture, traditions and the richness of the Kansas City Hispanic community. 

The primary objective was to demonstrate and communicate this unique event and its significance to the Latino community of Mexican heritage.

Puente Hispanic Consulting
Puente Hispanic Consulting
Puente Hispanic Consulting

El Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a specific event celebrated primarily
among the Mexican community welcoming back the souls of their deceased
relatives for a brief reunion. It includes food, drink and celebration.
– Community engagement and celebration with the Hispanic customer base
– Opportunity to educate non-Hispanic staff and customers about a special event
– Provide items and food relevant for the Hispanic customer for their own


“When I first came to Kansas City I was told to contact Puente Marketing if I was interested the Hispanic market. Not only did Puente help me understand where our Hispanic opportunity was around our stores, but they helped open the doors to the Hispanic businesses in Kansas City that we could partner with. Puente really has been a bridge to the Hispanic community.”                                      Scott Bayne, VP – Marketing, Balls Food Stores


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