LeadingAge of Kansas

Puente Marketing Research arm conducted two types of research for LeadingAge of Kansas to help them better understand employment satisfaction and retention.
We managed all survey design, communication and coordination between client and member agency personnel.

Two-prong research effort used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to better understand how to:
– Improve staff retention and staff satisfaction within their member agencies throughout the state of Kansas
– Identify barriers that hinder both retention and satisfaction before it becomes a problem
– Present findings to both internal group and member agencies.
I didn’t need a massive creative team and marketing team that I would have to pay for. What I think Puente does advantageously is provide the right resources for the project at hand. Whenever we needed a different skill-set Puente had access to it. It was very cost-effective.
Patrick Carr, Hallmark Cards – Sinceramente
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